Moving Together/Arriving Together: Decolonising Partnerships Project

Call for Artists - December Toolkit Creation Residency

Arrivals Legacy Project (ALP) is undertaking an exploration into how collaborative partnerships show up for BIPGM artists working together across perceived disciplinary and cultural boundaries.  Our study also examines the role of partnering organizations and institutions that engage or wish to engage BIPGM artists. Among other outcomes, we’d like to demonstrate how ALP is a leader in the process of decolonising creative partnerships.

Moving/Arriving Together: Decolonising Creative Partnerships approaches this research from the lens and perspective of practicing artists embedded in their craft and art form who have all taken part in the Arrivals work. 


One of our main goals for this project is to develop a dynamic toolkit that will be available on the ALP website with multimedia materials created by artists who are engaged in this research.


Collaborative Creation Residency:  2 – 16 December 2024


We are hosting this collaborative toolkit creation residency from 2 – 16 December 2024 inviting ALP artist alumni to conduct research, reflect on key questions, and to develop collateral materials on a daily basis over the course of the residency that contributes to our digital toolkit. 


By engaging artists coming from our interdisciplinary community, we are thinking outside of the box with respect to the production of traditional toolkits–aiming to create a dynamic and engaging product. Our creation residency will flesh out the diverse collaborative potential of this project. 


Created works can take the form of the artist’s primary practices (i.e. sound, video, visual arts, literary arts), but the final works must be digital in nature to fit the parameters of living online. These digital works will live in our SeedPool Gallery, which showcases artists’ creation and collaborations.


We have opened this call for applications from ALP Alum artists to take part in this collaborative residency.


Residency Terms


Before you apply, please note the residency terms below. 


These dates and times are fixed and all participants are expected to attend all of these sessions:

Mon 2 December: 9am-11am PST / 12pm-2pm EST
Wed 4 December: 9am-11am PST / 12pm-2pm EST
Mon 9 December: 9am-11am PST / 12pm-2pm EST
Thu 12 December: 9am-12pm PST / 12pm-3pm EST
– This is one hour longer because it will include a recorded panel discussion with all of the artists
Mon 16 December – no meeting, final items due


  • Artists will create a total of 5 short pieces (video, audio, written, image, etc depending on their chosen medium and art form) from 2 – 15 December
  • Creations to be uploaded throughout, to the SeedPool Gallery


Artists’ fee


Artists will be paid a fee of $2,940 for their full participation in the residency.


Submission Deadline: Sunday 6 October 2024

Please note that we require you to be available for the entire residency time as our intention is to finish the toolkit project by the end of the residency.
Please note that you must attend all artist meetings/sessions
Request to collaborate with Anju Singh's Seed
Your Name:
Your Email address:
Title of the Seed:
MT/AT Artist Call for Oct 2024
Your message to the Artist *