Jonathan Langdon is a writer, activist and Professor who teaches development studies at St Francis Xavier University, in Mi’kma’ki or Nova Scotia, Canada. His educational background includes a PhD in International and Adult Education, a MA in Creative Writing, and a BA in International Development and English Literature. He is currently the Canada Research Chair for Sustainability and Social Change Leadership. In 2022, he participated in the Arrivals Legacy Process, Ask the Mountain, and began a creative project entitled, “Reckoning with my past” that confronts the ancestral links his family has to the enslavement industry in Nova Scotia. He is currently developing a book from this project. Jon has edited Indigenous Knowledges, Development and Education (Sense, 2009), and written African Social Movement Learning (Brill, 2020). He has also published numerous academic articles and chapters that examine the themes of social movement learning, decolonizing pedagogies, and climate justice. Jon has shared his poetry and prose excerpts in diverse contexts, from the Monday Groove @ Ghana’s Socialist Freedom Centre, to Print Preview @ Antigonish’s Townhouse. Jon currently lives in Kjipuktuk/Halifax, with his partner, Liliona, his kids, Zya and Ny, and their dog, TK.