Our Work

Arrivals Legacy Voice at DalU

Diane Roberts, Gerry Trentham, and Lopa Sircar co-facilitated this workshop for those interested in discovering their culturally storied bodies in a dynamic dance between self and other. This was an opportunity for performers, writers, singers, educators, change leaders, and artists of all disciplines to come together in a collaborative space for cross-cultural exchange and performative story-making, exploring where their ancestral histories meet. Presented by Prismatic Arts Festival in partnership with Fountain School of Performing Arts, Dalhousie University, the workshops were available to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students.

A testimonial from this workshop:

“One of the great challenges a performing artist wrestles with (more than other artistic mediums), is that the primary material with which they create is themself– their body, their voice and their individual humanity.  What I love about the work of The Arrival’s Legacy Project, is the caring, embodied approach that they use to guide performing artists toward connecting authentically with their own human material as a rich source for creation.”

-Matt Walker
Assistant Professor, Acting Program
Fountain School of Performing Arts, Dalhousie University

Rebecca Cohn Auditorium at the Dalhousie Arts Centre photo by SimonP.

Date: October 21, 2024
Location: Studio 2, Dalhousie Arts Centre Halifax NS
Host: Prismatic Arts Festival in partnership with Fountain School of Performing Arts, Dalhousie University