Lydie Dubuisson is a playwright, director, and curator from Tiohtià:ke/ Montreal. She studied theater and graduated with distinctions from Concordia University. Her work examines intersectionality, collective memory, rituals and multilingual creative processes.
Dubuisson wrote QUIET/SILENCE (2018 Discovery Series - Black Theatre Workshop & Maison de la culture NDG), SANCTUARY/SANCTUAIRE (Black Theatre Workshop & Théâtre aux Écuries), SHARING OUR STORIES, TELLING OUR LIVES (Teesri Duniya Theatre), and she is a co-writer of BLACKOUT: THE CONCORDIA COMPUTER RIOT, (Tableau d’Hôte Theatre). She is currently writing a play about the Shelburne riots.
She directed AFRODISIAQUE (Collectif Potomitan, Winner of Best Show at Zoofest OFFJFL 2022), RINGTONE (Imago Theatre & Montréal Art Interculturel), SHARING OUR STORIES, TELLING OUR LIVES (Teesri Duniya Theatre), AFRODRAG: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE (Phi Center) and JANICE LA REINE AUX AILES D’ÉCAILLES (Places des Arts).
Lydie Dubuisson is an Artistic Associate at Black Theatre Workshop since 2020. She is also the curator of the dual digital installation, THE BELONGING PROJECTS commissioned by the Black Community Resources Center.
Lydie has been working closely with Arrivals Legacy Project since 2020 and the ALP process has greatly impacted her creative process and self-assertiveness.