The Legacy of Comfort Adoley Addo

By Natasha Eck As I contemplate February’s commemoration of the contributions of Black Diasporic peoples, I’m prompted to reflect on how I can honour and embrace this gratitude throughout the entire year. My lineage transcends the confines of a single month, weaving through generations with narratives and insights that resonate profoundly with me today. While […]

Generative Discomfort: Valerie Sing Turner and Diane Roberts

Join Arrivals Alum Valerie Sing Turner and Diane Roberts for their conversation, Generative Discomfort.  Cultivating Kin has documented this as part of a series of conversations, hosted by Rungh, a Canadian multidisciplinary space for creative explorations, featuring work by BIPOC artists.  You may see some familiar names in this series, including Chris Creighton-Kelly and France Trepanier, […]

Moving Together / Arriving Together: Report from Gregorio

Over the course of a week in late-September/early-October at the Prismatic Arts Festival in Kjipuktuk/Halifax, ALP successfully held our first SeedPool Gathering—launching the testing phase of our new project, Moving Together/Arriving Together: Decolonising Creative Partnerships. Our inaugural cohort of 8 artists gathered at the Bus Stop Theatre (along with 2 artists via Zoom) for a […]

Moving Together / Arriving Together: Reflections from Diane

Diane offers some initial reflections on the ALP gathering at Prismatic Festival in Halifax in September/October. Sometimes a title is just a title chosen in the moment to satisfy a proposal. Sometimes the title tells the whole story. From the moment the first wave of our team moved and arrived together (Lydie Dubuisson, Gregorio Pablo Rodrguez-Arbolay, […]

New Moving Together/Arriving Together Project to debut in Halifax

Earlier this year, Arrivals Legacy Project’s curatorial team began planning our new project, Moving Together/Arriving Together: Decolonising Creative Partnerships. Funded by Canada Council for the Arts Cultivate Program, this project aims to research, cultivate, and share co-creative models of leadership that privilege decolonising ways of being, knowing, and making art.  AD Diane Roberts, our curatorial team […]

Introducing Gregorio Pablo Rodriguez-Arbolay

We are proud to introduce you to Gregorio Pablo Rodríguez-Arbolay, our newest team member!  Gregorio started his role with ALP in July, and is tasked with developing our new project on decolonising partnerships: Moving Together/Arriving Together.  We felt this was a good time to learn more about his perspectives and experiences. Enjoy! 1.  Please introduce […]

Emulating Sankofa – by Mosa McNeilly

Image credits: Mosa McNeilly, installation artist and performerBones | Meditations on Middle Passage MemorySlate, iron, wood, mirror, salt, encaustic medium, photo transfer, found objects, 84”x 108″Photo by Janice Reid, 2021 Ruminating on the phenomenology of BlacknessI step onto the path of bones The subaquatic archive underfootI make my way along the Kalunga line Arriving at […]

A Month of Arrivals

Dreaming bigger, sacred wanderings and creating new pathways for collaboration. Diane Roberts reflects on what has been a generative month of May What a joy it was to arrive in Hamilton in early May, and be in communion with the McMaster community of students, faculty, and guests as part of the Pedagogies of Hope discussions […]

First ALP Strategic Retreat: Fresh Insight … and Some New Questions

In early May, the ALP team, board, and two advisory artists trekked from across Canada to Tio’tia:ke/Mooniyang (Montreal), for our first in-person retreat.  We met in a quiet building with lots of sun shining through the large windows, and after some mingling and snacks, we formed a “village circle”.  Meeting in person for the first […]

Dance:  the Connection Between Mind and Body

Zab Maboungou was born in Paris, France, but raised in a post-independence atmosphere in Congo-Brazzaville, where she was introduced to dance.  She is the founder of the renowned Zab Maboungou/Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata, which celebrated their 35 year anniversary last year (2022). Zab is also an artist-choreographer and performer, professor of philosophy and author, and […]

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