
Arrivals Legacy Voice

SeedPool Gathering and Installation at Prismatic Festival

Pre-Departure Survey

Hello SeedPool Artists and Curators! We are very excited about our upcoming Gathering and Installation at the Prismatic Festival (29 Sept – 4 Oct). Our team is currently finalizing planning, and we are reaching out to you with a pre-departure survey to ensure your needs are accommodated. We want to create a high-quality experience for all. 

Please complete this survey by July 28, 2023.

Thank you!

About You

We will use your phone number to contact you in case of emergency

Emergency Contact Information

In case of emergency, please identify your primary contact

SeedPool Prismatic Information

Artists are requested to attend both sessions. Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply
If yes, please identify your needs / If no, please write N/A.
If yes, please identify your needs / If no, please write N/A.
If no, please write N/A. / If yes, please describe any accommodations you may require during the CoLab and Prismatic events (e.g., entrance ramps, ASL interpreters, etc.)
Request to collaborate with Anju Singh's Seed
Your Name:
Your Email address:
Title of the Seed:
SeedPool Gathering and Installation at Prismatic Festival - Pre-Departure Survey
Your message to the Artist *