SeedPool Public Gallery Launch Survey
We are excited to share that we are preparing to launch the SeedPool Public Gallery that will go LIVE for the public on our website at the start of October 2023.
As you may recall, as a SeedPool artist who has participated in one of the recent residencies (What is a Seed?, Calling Our Ancestors Home, or PWM), we showed you how to publish your Seed as a DRAFT(only you can view), in the STUDIO (where only other SeedPool artists can view and interact with your Seed), or in the PUBLIC GALLERY (where anyone who visits the page from the general public and SeedPool artists can view your Seed. Please note that in the PUBLIC GALLERY mode that while the general public can view your seed, only SeedPool artists are able to interact with your Seed (collaborate, download and leave a comment).
In this survey, we are looking to understand what information about your Seed or on your profile you’re comfortable with sharing in our PUBLIC GALLERY. We hope that all SeedPool artists will spend a moment to complete the survey so that we can ensure that all of your voices are heard to help us make a final decision about how to format the PUBLIC GALLERY.
Once we receive survey results, we will then reach out to build out the permissions for the public and will then test with 5 SeedPool artists to ensure that the gallery is representing artist needs. Following this, we will:
The launch will have 3 phases:
- A “quiet” launch: In mid-September, we hope to launch the PUBLIC GALLERY and send to all SeedPool artists to review to ensure that you are comfortable with the changes and the “live” version of the gallery.
- A “soft” launch: the public gallery will go live in early October 2023 and will be presented as part of a showcase at Prismatic Festival in Halifax. Audiences connected to the festivals will be the primary users of the public gallery. Note that the gallery will be accessible to anyone but will not be promoted widely until the official launch.
- An official launch: this will include social media, announcements, and a larger “bang!” in terms of marketing, promotion, and potentially an event or activity to celebrate the official launch of the SeedPool. We will be in touch for exact dates for this.