
First Story

A seed by: Zainab Amadahy
Project: MT/AT ToolKit - Understanding decolonisation in creative partnerships
Zainab Amadahy is an author of screenplays, nonfiction and futurist fiction. The most notable of her academic writings is “Indigenous Peoples and Black Peoples in Canada: Settlers or Allies” (co-authored with Dr. Bonita Lawrence, Mi’kmaq). Zainab currently sits on the Advisory Council of Muskrat Magazine, where many of her writings appear. Of mixed heritage (African American, Tsalagi and Seminole), Zainab lives in Nogojiwanong, Ontario, Canada and has authored works of fiction and nonfiction. Now semi-retired, she has worked in community arts, nonprofit housing, Indigenous knowledge reclamation, women’s services and migrant settlement. For more on Zainab and to access to some of her writings check out


This is an original seed

The moment The One becomes self-aware it also becomes curious and wants to know Oneself. But how does One know Oneself outside of relationship? Light cannot know itself as light in the absence of darkness. One cannot know Oneself as loving without another to love. One cannot know Oneself as generous if there is no one to receive.

So, in a flash of light, the One becomes Two and the Two, now separated, can regard themselves in the polarized reflections they offer to each other. Simultaneously and paradoxically, in the wake of splitting, The Two are deeply wounded by the loss of Wholeness.

This Big Bang is the One’s first Act of Creation AND the Our First Trauma

In the Saga of The First Story, the Two become Four, the Four became Eight, and so on, branching off into dimensional realities. The lights flash, the sense of separation deepens, and the traumas multiply. Each fragment of The One, immersed in the illusion of separation, emerges with an increasingly narrowed awareness of self so they can enjoy an ever-expanding game of self-discovery through the co-creation of relationship with other fragments.


In my Futurist World-Building Workshop, a young writer asserts that it is not necessary for Creativity to dance with Trauma and I wonder what traumas inform their vision. Is it my consciousness or theirs that needs to expand to comprehend? 

Question: Are Creativity and Trauma locked into an eternal dance?

There is only one point of time and space. The rest is an illusion we have co-created for the purposes of our story.

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