Anju Says: I’d love to see how you respond to these questions yourself as collaboration seeds with yourself.
How do you practice self care?
-(mostly) healthy foods
-exercise routine
-sleep routine
-learn to speak Igbo, maintain het Nederlands
-restrict social media
-care for too many plants
-make art
-restrict schedule, maintain some solitude and idleness
-phone parents
-clean-enough house
-set consistent boundaries
How does your self care extend into your community?
-collaborative art
-writing group I organise
-give away baking
-give away plant cuttings
-cycling group
-reciprocal project / grant support
-activist demonstrations, letters, petitions
-mutual aid
-gratitude texts exchanged with friends weekly
How does your self care impact your ability to collaborate effectively?
-my food, exercise, and sleep routines limit my availability, but also make my participation sustainable
-understanding my capacity and restricting my schedule means that I don't over-promise on what I can do for people
-the writing group and collaborative art creates accountability to maintain my practice, and creates opportunities for mutual artist support
-when I'm in balance with myself, I'm more likely to support / less likely to judge people around me
-without self care, I can experience depression thoughts and ruminations, which encourage unhealthy isolation
-some of my self care produces things I can give away (plants, baking, art, etc.)
-consistent boundaries ensure the sustainability of my relationships