What's On


We’re Hiring!

Do you want to work with Arrivals Legacy Project?  We have two exciting new opportunities to share! 
We’re hiring a Project Manager, and a Lead Researcher.  These two roles are key to the success of our upcoming project, Moving Together/Arriving Together: Decolonising Creative Partnerships.  Building on ALP’s methodology and practice of supporting BIPOC artists to surface, understand, and apply rooted cultural, African and/or Indigenous ways of knowing, we will  develop an innovative collaborative methodology that will guide creative partnerships between BIPOC creators as well as with the larger (so-called) mainstream arts sector. 

Our Project Manager will oversee the execution of this project, as well as the public launch of the SeedPool collaborative space, liaising with artists, partners and stakeholders, and the team.  This would be ideal for someone who is highly organised and relational, and loves a challenge. 

Our Lead Researcher will support our decolonising partnerships project by gathering people and gleaning insights that will be shared within the arts sector and beyond.  This person will be working closely with the AD, artists and partners, and is passionate about collecting and analysing data and finding creative ways to present findings.

Both postings are up on our Job Opportunities page, have a look to see if you or someone you know might be the right fit!

Applications close on Tuesday, 6 June at midnight. 

While this position is open to all qualified candidates able to legally work in Canada, we strongly encourage candidates who identify as coming from Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour (IBPOC) communities to apply including those with intersections in LGBTQ2S, disability, Deaf, and neurodiverse communities. Candidates are invited to self-identify in their applications.